Remote ERP Implementation: Tips for Managing it Successfully

by Jan 27, 2022ERP Research, Expert advice0 comments

Remote ERP implementation of a solution is a must for many companies nowadays. It makes the process easier, of course, eliminating the need for onsite supervision and management.  With remote working becoming very popular since the pandemic, remote ERP implementation has increased with it. When dealing with a remote ERP implementation, it’s necessary to make the right moves along the way to ensure success. Otherwise, you may end up with an unsuccessful implementation on your hands.

Here are some tips to consider if you are ready to implement ERP remotely:

#1 Leverage your team

You need to have your team on board from the earliest days of planning. Engaging your team lets you identify where gaps exist. This will expose where your ERP solution needs to step in to fill in the blanks. Your team can also provide essential insights in terms of workflows and help you refine high-level goals. This can include both for your ERP implementation and your business overall.

#2 Dive into the details from day one

No bottleneck is too small to consider when planning for an ERP implementation. The goal with ERP is to ensure that things work smoothly in each functional area at your company and for each key user. Look at all the details of how work gets done at your business, and factor it in to your overall plan.

#3 Collaborate effectively

Just because your ERP consultants aren’t onsite doesn’t mean you will be operating in the dark. Today’s collaboration tools make it easy to work effectively and proactively with your implementation team no matter where you are. Anything from remote planning sessions to ongoing training can be just as beneficial as they would be in-person when you use the right collaborative tools to engage and communicate. Leverage a combination of email, video conferencing, phone calls, and project management software. These will be invaluable tools during and before implementation to clarify goals and processes.

#4 Stay agile

Working remotely often means navigating different time zones. By approaching the process with an agile mindset, you can ensure that your business continues to function and serve customer needs while engaging in an effective implementation. Build a daily schedule into your overall implementation schedule that accommodates geographical and time zone issues (e.g. requirements defined at X hour will be addressed at Y hour on a daily basis.)

#5 Work with the right partner

The best thing you can do to ensure a successful remote ERP implementation is to work with the right implementation partner. A top-notch ERP consultant will work with you every step of the way. They will ensure that things run smoothly from conception to implementation. The right ERP partner will make each of the above tips that much easier to lead you through to a successful remote ERP implementation.

Remote ERP implementations can mean increased flexibility and cost savings.  Especially when you work with the best. If you are considering a remote ERP implementation for your business, get in touch with us today. They can give you an overview of the process and begin hammering out specifics for how ERP can transform your business.

Together, we can turn today’s challenges into tomorrow’s achievements.


Have questions? Reach out—we’re here to assist you at every step!


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Laura Schomaker

With over a decade of experience at Intelligent Technologies, Inc., I specialize in crafting educational content that demystifies the complex ERP buying process. From managing our digital presence to engaging with our community through blogs and email campaigns, my goal is to equip both current and future clients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.