What will you acheive?

Unlock the Power of Cloud Computing Tools

At Intelligent Technologies, Inc., we understand the revolutionary potential of cloud computing tools for businesses of all sizes. If you want to make your work easier, boost collaboration, or get more done, our cloud solutions can help you drive operational efficiencies and unleash the data insights you need to make smarter decisions. Here’s a closer look at some of the cloud computing tools we offer.

Cloud-Based Financial Management

Say goodbye to outdated, on-premise financial software. Our cloud-based financial management solutions empower businesses to manage their money with ease, flexibility, and security. It’s time to reimagine the way you take on accounting and budgeting, invoicing, and reporting. Our cloud tools provide real-time insights and streamline financial processes for improved decision-making.


Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the Cloud

Strengthen your customer relationships and drive sales growth with our cloud-based CRM solutions. Our CRM tools enable businesses to centralize customer data, track interactions, and personalize engagements across every touchpoint. From lead management and sales automation to marketing campaigns and customer service, our CRM solutions help businesses deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Cloud-Based Communication and Collaboration

Our cloud tools empower teams to connect and collaborate from anywhere, at any time. Get ready to break down communication barriers and foster collaboration across your organization with our cloud-based communication and collaboration tools for emailing, instant messaging, video conferencing and file sharing.

Cloud Migration and Management Services

Ready to take the leap to the cloud? Our cloud migration and management services make the move smooth and hassle-free. You can migrate all your systems or just a specific application to the cloud. Either way, our experienced team will help you through every step of the process.

Unlock the Power of Cloud Computing for Your SMB

Imagine a world where you’ve streamlined your business operations. You and your team effortlessly work together from anywhere, and you’ve significantly reduced your IT costs. With cloud computing, this vision becomes a reality for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) like yours.

Let’s explore the indisputable benefits that await you in the cloud.

Cost Savings

Break free from hefty upfront investments in hardware and software licenses. By embracing cloud computing, you’ll enjoy remarkable cost savings that free up valuable resources for growth and innovation. Feel the weight lift off your shoulders as you bid farewell to expensive servers and storage devices. Instead, embrace a flexible pay-as-you-go model that aligns with your budget.


Picture your business effortlessly adapting to changing demands and scaling up or down with ease. With cloud services, you’ll experience unparalleled flexibility that empowers you to grow your operations seamlessly. Whether you’re expanding into new markets or experiencing seasonal spikes in demand, the cloud has you covered. Scale your cloud resources at the touch of a button, unleashing unlimited potential for growth.

Accessibility and Flexibility


Immerse yourself in a world where work knows no boundaries. With cloud computing, your team gains access to essential tools and data from anywhere, anytime. Feel the freedom of working from your favorite coffee shop or instantly collaborating with colleagues halfway across the globe. Cloud-based solutions break down barriers and open new horizons for productivity and collaboration.


Enhanced Collaboration


Get ready to ignite a spark of creativity! Cloud-based collaboration tools transform the way your team works together, fostering creativity, communication, and innovation at every turn. Bring ideas to life in real-time as your team shares documents, collaborates on projects, and conducts virtual meetings. With cloud computing, collaboration knows no bounds.


Improved Security

Cloud service providers invest heavily in keeping your data safe, so you can rest easy knowing that state-of-the-art security measures are protecting your business data. Thanks to encryption, firewalls, and threat detection systems, your sensitive information is shielded from cyber threats and data breaches.

Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity

Prepare for the unexpected with robust disaster recovery solutions in the cloud. You can rely on cloud-based backup and recovery services to store your critical data securely and make it available when you need it most. Bask in the reassurance of knowing that your business can weather any storm with minimal downtime and disruption. With cloud computing, resilience becomes your secret weapon against adversity.

Automatic Updates and Maintenance

Say goodbye to tedious software updates and maintenance tasks. In the cloud, vendors deliver updates automatically to you. So, your systems are always up-to-date and running smoothly. Feel the burden lift off your shoulders as you delegate routine maintenance to your trusted cloud provider. Finally, you’re free to focus on what matters most—growing your business and delighting your customers.

Competitive Advantage

Propel your business ahead of the competition with cloud-powered innovation. Cloud computing gives small and medium-sized businesses access to advanced tools and capabilities that were previously exclusive to large corporations. Feel the excitement of using new technologies to grow your business, launch new products, and stay ahead of market trends.

Cloud Computing by the Numbers


Migrating to the public cloud lowers your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)


of the world’s corporate data lives in the cloud


of IT spend goes to cloud services

Choose Your Path to the Cloud Today!

Help! I'm new to the cloud and don't know where to start.

I want to manage my finances in the cloud.

I want to manage my customers in the cloud.

I want to communicate and collaborate in the cloud.

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Cloud Computing Tools and Services FAQs

What is cloud computing and how can it benefit my business?

Cloud computing involves delivering various computing services over the internet, including data storage, databases, networking, software, and more. For businesses, cloud computing offers several benefits. These include cost savings, scalability, flexibility, enhanced collaboration, improved security, and access to advanced technologies. Best of all, no extensive infrastructure investments are necessary.

What are the various cloud computing types?

Cloud computing encompasses several service models, including:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) This model provides virtualized computing resources over the internet. Users can rent virtual machines, storage, and networking infrastructure on a pay-as-you-go basis. With IaaS, businesses have more control over the operating systems, middleware, and applications running on the infrastructure.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS) PaaS offers a development and deployment environment hosted in the cloud. It provides tools and services for developers to build, test, deploy, and manage applications without worrying about underlying infrastructure. PaaS speeds up application development and allows for greater scalability and flexibility.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) SaaS delivers software applications over the internet on a subscription basis. Users access these applications through a web browser, eliminating the need for installation and maintenance. SaaS vendors host their applications in data centers and handle infrastructure,

How do you know which cloud computing type is right for your business?

Determining the most suitable type of cloud service for you depends on various factors. Consider these guidelines.

  • Assess Your Needs: Evaluate your current IT infrastructure, software requirements, scalability needs, and budget constraints. Determine whether you need flexibility in managing infrastructure (IaaS), a platform for application development (PaaS), or ready-to-use software applications (SaaS).
  • Consider Security and Compliance: If your business deals with sensitive data or operates in a regulated industry, prioritize security and compliance. Choose a cloud computing model that offers robust security features and complies with industry regulations.
  • Evaluate Scalability: Determine whether your business needs to scale resources up or down quickly based on demand. IaaS and PaaS typically offer greater scalability options compared to SaaS, which may have predefined resource limits.
  • Factor in Cloud Costs: Consider the cost implications of each cloud computing model. Be careful not to overlook upfront costs, ongoing operational expenses, and potential savings. Compare pricing structures and choose the option that aligns with your budgetary constraints.
  • Assess Integration Requirements: Evaluate how easily the cloud computing model integrates with your existing IT infrastructure, applications, and workflows. Ensure seamless integration to avoid disruptions and compatibility issues.
  • Seek Expert Advice: Are you unsure which cloud tools or cloud deployment type is right for your business? Consult with IT professionals or cloud service providers. They can assess your needs, provide recommendations, and help you make informed decisions that align with your business goals.

What types of cloud computing solutions does Intelligent Technologies offer?

Intelligent Technologies, Inc. provides many cloud applications tailored to meet the diverse needs of small and medium-sized businesses. Our offerings include cloud-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems, cloud-based CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software, cloud-based communication, collaboration management tools, and more.

How do I know if my business is ready to transition to the cloud?

Determining if your business is ready for a cloud transition depends on various factors. Consider your current IT infrastructure, business goals, security requirements, budget, and needs. Our experienced consultants can assess your business’ readiness for the cloud and provide personalized recommendations.

Is cloud computing secure for business data?

Yes, cloud environments often offer advanced security features that may exceed what many businesses can achieve their own. Cloud service providers invest heavily in security measures, including encryption, multi-factor authentication, regular security audits, and compliance certifications.

Can I customize cloud solutions to fit my unique business needs?

Yes, Intelligent Technologies offers customizable cloud solutions tailored to meet each client’s specific requirements. Do you need custom workflows, integrations with existing systems, personalized reporting, or other enhancements? Our team can design and implement solutions that align perfectly with your business processes and objectives.

How does Intelligent Technologies provide support for cloud solutions?

Our dedicated support team is available to provide expert help and guidance for all your cloud computing needs. Whether you require technical troubleshooting, user training, or ongoing maintenance, we’re here to ensure everything runs smoothly and efficiently.

How do I begin using cloud computing services provided by Intelligent Technologies?

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our cloud experts. During the consultation, we’ll discuss your business requirements, goals, and concerns. Then, we’ll outline a customized plan to help you harness the power of the cloud to fuel your company’s success.

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How SMBs Can Achieve Business Continuity with Acumatica

How SMBs Can Achieve Business Continuity with Acumatica

Any small business that hopes to persevere through these unpredictable times needs to take advantage of the best business continuity solutions it can find. A cloud-based enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, such as Acumatica, is the perfect tool to provide your small business with the resilience it needs to navigate disruptions of all kinds successfully.

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Optimizing Inventory Management with Acumatica Cloud ERP

Optimizing Inventory Management with Acumatica Cloud ERP

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If you’re still debating whether the cloud is right for you or you can’t decide which of the great cloud products we offer is best for your business, no problem! Our experts can help.