Solutions for Information Technology Professionals

You: A professional working in and Information Technology role.

Your Job Title: IT Manager, IT Director, CIO, etc.

Your Challenges

Don’t lose any more sleep! Choose an issue to discover solutions:

Challenge #1: Keeping Up with Changing Technology

It’s hard to keep all your in-house systems updated when you have a small IT team. No matter whether you need to update some of your infrastructure, or your systems we can help.

We are experts in a variety of business management solutions, as well as state-of-the-art infrastructure such as dedicated Internet access, Ethernet networks and VoIP phone systems. If you know it’s time for an upgrade, but don’t have the time to tackle it yourself, let us help.  Delaying it longer will only hurt your business’ efficiency and put your data at risk.

Challenge #2: Keeping Data Safe

If you’re concerned about the safety of your company’s crucial data, there are a variety of ways we can help.

  • Option 1: Move data off your own servers onto ours, or those housed in an AT&T datacenter.
  • Option 2: Implement a backup and recovery solution.

If you aren’t confident in your current backups, you know you’re taking a big risk with one of your company’s most valuable assets.  Research shows that data loss, and the associated downtime cost businesses more than $1.7 trillion every year.  But, a comprehensive backup and recovery solution can save you from being another in a long string of news headlines.

  • Option 3: Moving your critical systems off your own servers and opting for a cloud solution instead. Cloud providers like Microsoft, Amazon, and others spend a great deal of time and resources, making sure that their cloud solutions are secure. While many people may think these cloud solutions are a less secure option that is simply not true. Most times, their investments in security go far beyond what a small or medium-sized business can do with their own servers.

Challenge #3 And #4: Spending Too Much Time Putting Out Fires/ Spreading Your IT Staff Too Thin

We combined these two because they are probably the most common complaints we hear from our clients working in IT roles, and they have similar solutions.

When you work for a small or medium-sized business, your IT team probably only comprises a few people.  But, because today’s businesses rely so heavily on technology your workload has become larger than ever.

So, you don’t always have the internal resources to update systems as often as they should. This leads to things breaking down. And when that happens, you often must drop everything else you are doing because the problem is affecting productivity and efficiency throughout the business.

Even if your systems are running smoothly, there are still plenty of issues that crop regularly, like new employees needing access to systems, people needing help troubleshooting error messages, etc. Whatever the case may be, these things keep you from focusing on more strategic projects.

But, it doesn’t have to be this way, as a managed service provider, we can take over many tasks that keep you from being able to focus on the strategic aspects of your job. These include:

  • Your network
  • Your backups and recovery
  • Your firewall
  • Your business phone system
  • Your Microsoft Office environment

And more.

Challenge #5: Responding to The Needs Of An Increasingly Mobile Workforce

In today’s business environment, more and more work happens outside of your office walls. And, people are pushed to be more productive than ever. That means your critical systems must be able to support mobile workers. But, that’s not all, you must also make sure that granting mobile access does not compromise data security.

To make this easier, we offer a wide variety of modern tools that make it easy for people to get more done, regardless of where business takes them. No matter whether you need a business management system that decision-makers can access on the go. Or, you’re looking for collaboration tools that help to narrow the distance between geographically disparate workers.


Easy to buy deploy and customize, Acumatica is a cloud based business management solution built on industry standard Microsoft .NET, HTML 5, and Visual Studio IDE.

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Office 365

Save time and boost productivity withe the Office you know administered in the cloud and available anytime,

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Need help choosing the right solution for your business?

Learn what to look for and compare four of the most popular solutions side-by-side. Read our ERP buying e-book.


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30 years, hundreds of satisfied customers. Improve your technology for better efficiency, productivity and security. Take the first step and schedule a consultation with our team of experts.