Manage Your Customers in the Cloud

Ready to move your customer relationship management system to the cloud? Let us help!

Today, an increasing number of companies are moving their customer relationship management system to the cloud to lower costs and/or improve flexibility and the overall customer experience. At Intelligent Technologies, Inc. we offer a couple different options for moving your customer relationship management system to the cloud.

Acumatica CRM Suite Integrated with Acumatica ERP

Do you need a customer relationship management system as well as a financial management/ERP solution? Would you like both of them to be fully integrated with one another, and available anytime, anywhere on any device that runs a popular web browser? If so, Acumatica may be the perfect solution for you! Acumatica’s customer relationship management suite provides a web-based application for managing your leads, contacts, opportunities, and business accounts. Since it is fully integrated with the rest of Acumatica’s ERP suites, your sales, marketing and customer service teams can easily share information with each other and the rest of your organization. Furthermore, a customer portal allows customers to review the details of their interactions with your company and perform self-service tasks online.

With Acumatica’s customer relationship management system you can:

  • Manage customers with ease—Stay connected with customers from the first time they visit your website, through the sales and billing processes to any customer service request that might arise.
  • Help customers help themselves—Give customers access to the financial and transaction information you choose through Acumatica’s included self-service portal.
  • Access the system from anywhere—Delight customers with speedy service. Because Acumatica is browser based you can take advantage of its robust capabilities on virtually any device that’s connected to the internet.
  • Enjoy a quick deployment—Don’t waste time installing customer relationship software on multiple machines. With Acumatica a single server license is all you need to give everyone in the company access to the system.
  • Improve the bottom line—Take advantage of the fact that Acumatica’s customer relationship management suite is fully integrated with its financial suite, generating reports that link marketing campaigns to profitability is a snap.
  • Encourage sales and customer service to work together—Utilize the collaboration features woven throughout Acumatica to easily share critical business information between teams. Furthermore, unlimited user pricing means you can afford bring everyone into the loop with Acumatica.

Have questions? Ready to learn more about how the cloud customer relationship management solutions we offer can help your business succeed? No problem! Our experts can help.