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ERP Solutions for the Distribution and Logistics Industry

Without efficiency, distribution companies can’t survive but with the right tools they can thrive.

Running a successful distribution or logistics company means juggling the demands of your customers with those of your suppliers. And because competition is tough and profit margins are tight, the rules of the logistics operations game are constantly changing. To stay competitive, distributors need the right set of tools at their fingertips.


When tailored for wholesale distribution, ERP software can improve your business processes from end to end, from sales to sourcing and everything in between. Having a single logistics management system to manage it all helps to streamline processes and improve visibility, so you can adapt quickly as customer demand or your supply chain shifts.

Why Choose an ERP for Logistics Industry

Demand planning

Having a clear understanding of what inventory, you need to keep pace with customer demand helps to make sure you can deliver products on time without having to turn customers away due to poor planning. Predictive analysis available in many modern ERP systems allows you to create accurate forecasts based on past trends, no psychic needed.

Inventory management

While manual logistical processes may work for small distributors and having human contact with each order can be a good thing, it is very hard to scale. One of the first problems growing distributors often face streamlining inventory management. Modern distribution ERP solutions can help with a variety of supply chain management tools. Use them to track items across multiple warehouses, even showing you what is in transit and alerting you when it’s time to reorder items. Having this kind of visibility into your inventory not only makes the warehouse worker’s job easier, but it also helps to improve customer satisfaction.

Accurate and complete reporting

Your inventory is not the only place a modern ERP can help improve visibility. It can also help decision makers track performance in all other areas and compile that information into real-time reports. No longer do you have to wonder whether the information you’re looking at is up to date or spend hours creating a report before you know what strategic adjustments you should make.

Automated workflows

Handling every aspect of a logistics or distribution business manually is tedious and requires a large staff, which quickly creates human resource headaches. Even then, manual processes are often error prone. Modern industry specific distribution solutions can ease your workload and help avoid errors before they ever become a problem. Once you map out your processes, the software will make sure you follow the same steps each time.

Full visibility

Understanding what’s happening in your business at any point in time is helpful in all industries. But because distribution and logistics involve so many moving parts, this can be difficult. The right logistics solution helps bring all the pieces together. Finally, you can follow your products all the way from procurement to final sale and beyond. When you can see exactly where your pain points or bottlenecks lie, it is much easier to make smart decisions that have a real impact.

Customer service

You face fierce competition and as they say the early bird gets the worm. The quicker you can respond to customer demands or resolve issues, the more likely you are to beat the competition and build a loyal customer base. By helping you streamline processes, a modern ERP system can reduce lead times and improve data accuracy. And, when combined with a CRM system, they can help you manage every customer interaction, ensuring each person gets a consistent experience across all touch points.

We offer many ERP options for the logistics and distribution industry.

Acumatica Cloud-Based ERP

Acumatica software for distribution helps you manage your logistics and every piece of your supply chain. And, since all the financial data flows back to your accounting system, you can see exactly how your supply chain is impacting the bottom line. But that’s not all. This insight also helps you cut costs, boost client satisfaction, and shorten order times.

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Microsoft Dynamics GP

Dynamics GP is one of Microsoft’s longest used and most popular accounting packages, with over 47,000 customers as of 2015. Software doesn’t become this widely used by chance. A few key features rocketed this Microsoft accounting software to success.

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Streamline your logistics operations today!

Unlock efficiency and boost profit margins with tailored ERP solutions for wholesale distribution. Manage sales, sourcing, and everything in between with a single, integrated system designed for you.

Act now to stay ahead of the competition and secure your future!