Request an Acumatica demo today

See what the fastest growing cloud ERP can do for you.

You wouldn’t purchase a car without testing it out first. So, you shouldn’t have to commit to ERP software without getting a clear idea of how it operates. But how do you do that?

In the case of Acumatica and most other ERP and CRM software getting a free trial isn’t an option. While that might seem frustrating, don’t worry. There’s a much better way to look under the hood of these complex systems.

You can get a free, expert-led demo of Acumatica to gain a better understanding of its features and functionalities.


Why Request an Acumatica demo when you could just watch videos online?

Videos are a great starting point, but an in-person demo of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software solution, like Acumatica, allows for a more personalized experience. It is interactive and hands-on, which can be more beneficial than simply watching videos about it.

With a live Acumatica Cloud ERP demo, you get


An in-person demo allows you to see the software tailored to your specific needs and business processes. This can help you better envision what using the software daily will be like.

Question and Answer

During an in-person demo, you can ask questions and clarify any doubts or concerns in real-time. This is not possible when just watching videos.

User Experience

Seeing the software in action can help you understand the user interface and decide if it meets your needs.

Access to Expertise

An in-person demo gives you access to the expertise and knowledge of the person demonstrating the software. They can provide valuable insights and advice, and help you understand the software’s capabilities and limitations.

Free, no strings attached.

Intelligent Technologies, Inc. will never sell or rent your information. We will only use the details you provide to us to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time.

Why Acumatica?

Access from anywhere

Acumatica is browser-based. So, you can easily log in from any device with an Internet connection.

Streamline your operations

Manage your financials, distribution, manufacturing, retail, e-commerce, customer relationship management, project accounting and service management in one place.

Better business insight

Hundreds of out-of-the-box reports fit most business needs. But if you need something more the included reports are easy to change. And if you want to combine data from multiple sources, a connection with Microsoft Power BI makes that easy.

Future proof

Take advantage of any exciting tech advances the future brings. Make it simple for people to do their jobs from anywhere to ensure business can keep running smoothly without interruption.

Growth friendly licensing

As an Acumatica customer, you’ll never watch your costs skyrocket just because you add headcount. Other ERPs charge based on the number of users you have. Acumatica’s price is based on the modules and computing resources you use.

Single version of the truth

Acumatica uses one database to manage your entire business. So, you never have to wonder whether the data you are looking at is up to date.

A modern ERP for your industry

In general, Acumatica fits the needs of almost any industry. But they understand some have unique needs. So, it offers industry-specific editions for Distribution, Manufacturing, Construction, Commerce and Field Services.

Fully integrated customer management suite

Acumatica CRM is a customer relationship management software that helps businesses manage customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle. It provides features such as sales automation, marketing automation, customer service, and analytics.

Software Demo FAQs

What is a software demo?

Think of it as a guided tour of the software. It’s a great chance to see exactly what it looks like and how it works. So, you can envision how it would fit into your business before you buy.

Why should I get a software demo?

With so many business applications to choose from today, it can be hard to decide which one is the best for you. Sure, you can read tons of great information put out by the publishers and vendors of each solution. But after a while, they can start to all sound the same. That’s when a demo can be extremely helpful.

When is the best time to participate in software demo?

The best time to take part in a software demo is when you have collected a short list of options you are genuinely interested in. And, you just aren’t sure which solution on your short list will be the best fit for your needs. As they say, “seeing is believing” and sometimes reading text and looking at images just can’t give you a real idea of what using the software every day will be like. 

We know that buying business applications is a big investment, in both time and money. And, we want to be sure that all our clients will be happy with their decision. So, if you’re on the fence at all, we recommend taking part in at least one software demo before you make your final choice. 


I want to see Acumatica in action for myself.