Moving from Dynamics GP to Acumatica: A How to Guide

by Jun 3, 2021Acumatica, Cloud, Dynamics GP0 comments

Sure, Microsoft has made some moves towards taking Dynamics GP to the cloud in the last several years with its web client. But the popular ERP is still far from being Microsoft Dynamics GP SaaS, or a fully cloud version of itself. So, if you’re tired of waiting for the cloud to come to GP, you may want to look into other options. For those of you, Acumatica is an option you can’t miss. Wondering what the transition might look like? Here is a brief “how to” on how to make that switch from GP to Acumatica.  


Make the choice now, rather than later. 

It’s understandable. You put a lot into getting Dynamics GP up and running, and you may even have put a lot of effort and money into customizations. You want to get the most you can out of it. However, instead of putting their energy into Microsoft Dynamics GP SaaS, Microsoft is putting its cloud ERP eggs in the Dynamics 365 basket, a newer product that still falls short for some. And, while you may have limited GP updates for now, eventually the well will run dry. Preparing now for the inevitable will be much more beneficial to your company and your bottom line than doing a mad rush to an alternative solution at the last minute. 


Sit down with your team.  

As a first step, you want to self-assess. Sit down with your team and ask what has been working with GP and what hasn’t? Where are the weak spots in GP that are slowing down internal processes and workflows? These initial discussions will help you understand how you want to approach your new ERP solution.  


Choose the right implementation partner.  

ERP implementation is a detailed process, and you need the right partner beside you guiding your company along the way. A valued ERP partner will help you assess your current business needs and design a version of Acumatica that is truly a step up from your legacy system.  


Focus on user adoption. 

You’ve heard it before, and it still stands—technology can only fulfill its potential when your users understand how to use it. Develop a comprehensive training program with your implementation partner that ensures you and your employees can get the most out of Acumatica. Take advantage, too, of the Acumatica University online portal actively. This helpful resource can be just what your team needs to get the most out of your new ERP system. Finally, make sure the new solution has the support of your team and they understand the improvements they will see post-adoption.  


Clean your data. 

There is no use going through the process of implementing an ERP solution if you’re going to migrate messy and redundant data into your new system. Take the time to clean your data, eliminating inconsistencies, double entries, etc. This is the ideal time to do it, and your new implementation of Acumatica will be all the better for it.  

Acumatica offers a wide range of benefits to businesses and transitioning from Dynamics GP to a true cloud solution can be the difference your business needs in the cloud age. Have you had your own experiences with changing from Dynamics GP to Acumatica? Tell us all about in the comments below. If you want to do a deep dive on the process, look at this helpful ebook that gives you all the details about why Acumatica is the next, significant step forward for many Dynamics GP users.  


See Acumatica in action for yourself

Choose from the options below to build a custom demo showcasing what Acumatica can do for businesses in your industry. If you’re looking for a no strings attached way to take a quick look under the hood, this is it!

Is your vertical not represented in the list? No worries, select “Welcome from Acumatica” for an overview of what makes Acumatica the fastest growing cloud ERP. Then, let our experts design a free, custom demo just for you.

Questions? Answers are just an email away.

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Laura Schomaker

With over a decade of experience at Intelligent Technologies, Inc., I specialize in crafting educational content that demystifies the complex ERP buying process. From managing our digital presence to engaging with our community through blogs and email campaigns, my goal is to equip both current and future clients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.