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Microsoft Dynamics GP Cloud Deployment: Transformation Awaits!

Written by Laura Schomaker

May 11, 2023

Microsoft Dynamics GP cloud deployment is an excellent way to transform your business. This Microsoft solution is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) tool for businesses that helps automate and streamline a company’s operations to maximize efficiency. Microsoft Dynamics GP cloud deployment is a game-changer for businesses when used correctly.

As Microsoft’s cloud-hosted solutions become increasingly popular, business leaders must consider the potential of GP hosting services. To help you access the multiple benefits of Microsoft Dynamics GP, this article will explore whether Microsoft Dynamics GP is cloud-based and if GP hosting services can provide the benefits of cloud-based assets without risking your current GP software. Let’s get started!

Is Microsoft Dynamics GP Cloud-Based?

Understanding Dynamics GP deployment requires understanding what it means for virtual machine software to be cloud-based. Cloud-based software encompasses any program or application managed, stored, and accessible through a cloud-based virtual network. Cloud ERP systems are sometimes referred to as cloud computing solutions and can be private or public:

  • A public cloud-based system sells services to any web client with internet access.
  • A private cloud-based system is a smaller proprietary network offering services to small groups, such as specific business members, to make resources available and accessible while limiting access for unauthorized parties.

A cloud computing framework allows for comprehensive data cloud deployment where data is stored in multiple remote data centers rather than in a single location where it is more vulnerable to damage if compromised. This feature allows businesses to use GP in the cloud.

The question remains: is Microsoft Dynamics GP cloud-based? Technically, the answer is no. Microsoft Dynamics GP is not cloud-hosted by default. While newer versions of Dynamics GP can operate within Microsoft Azure thanks to their web client, Dynamics GP was not created to be an entirely cloud-based solution. Connecting to Microsoft Dynamics GP requires other applications, such as Remote Access.

Benefits of Microsoft Dynamics GP Hosting

Businesses can unlock many benefits when they opt for Microsoft Dynamics GP hosting services. Below is a breakdown of the benefits you can expect when you deploy a GP system.

Cost Savings

A significant advantage of Microsoft Dynamics GP hosting is the cost savings. With it, you break free from the responsibility of maintaining expensive hardware, plus the IT headaches and overhead that come with it.

But that’s not all. Microsoft Dynamics GP hosting also allows for cost reduction in other business areas. For instance, this solution can reduce the overall cost of doing business by making the key information Dynamics GP holds more easily accessible to all users, which boosts productivity and user satisfaction.


Microsoft Dynamics GP cloud deployment provides exceptional scaling support to grow your business. The numerous scalability options accessible through Microsoft Dynamics GP hosting include the following:

  1. Administrative scalability, allowing businesses to add or remove GP users from their Dynamics GP platform depending on monthly needs.
  2. Load scalability to manage shifts in your computing capacity based on your company’s current and future needs.
  3. Geographical scalability to allow customers access to the system from anywhere rather than only on-site.
  4. Elasticity provides businesses with sudden increases in their computing traffic and the tools to manage this fluctuation by accessing more servers on-demand.


Microsoft Dynamics GP hosting is an accessible solution that guarantees access for authorized users no matter where they are. This additional flexibility contributes to the company’s geographical scalability while ensuring that only specific parties can access sensitive data. Rather than requiring on-site data center solutions, GP hosting ensures that any allowed user with an internet connection can access the system instantly.


Dynamics GP hosting services take the hardware related security burden off your company and place it into the hands of the hosting provider. For SMBs who lack the internal IT resources to give server security the attention it requires, this can often be reason enough to move their Dynamics GP software to a hosted environment.

Multiple Hosting Options

Microsoft Dynamics GP hosting is a valuable resource for its flexibility. As explained above, many GP hosting options are available, including public and private cloud hosting.

Additionally, Dynamics GP hosting offers a hybrid cloud hosting solution. A hybrid cloud describes a computing environment combining an on-site data center with a public cloud system for a complete virtual network. This solution allows companies to share data and applications between the private and public cloud.

How to Choose the Right Microsoft Dynamics GP Hosting Provider

Selecting the best cloud hosting provider for Microsoft Dynamics GP cloud deployment is a significant decision for many organizations. Determining a reliable and reputable GP hosting provider requires knowing what factors to consider when choosing a provider to suit your company’s needs. Here are some tips and things to contemplate when choosing a Microsoft Dynamics GP hosting provider.

  1. Prioritize experience and expertise and seek hosting providers with an understanding of Microsoft Dynamics GP software.
  2. Check the reliability and performance of hosting providers before deciding to guarantee a high-performance infrastructure.
  3. Consider a provider’s security measures and inquire about additional security protocols, such as data encryption and access controls.
  4. Determine the quality of support the provider offers and look for providers with consistently available support members and multiple communication methods.
  5. Compare pricing for different providers to ensure that you get the best value. Prioritize providers that offer transparent pricing and no hidden fees.
  6. Ensure the provider offers customizable solutions to your business and its unique needs as you scale.
  7. Consider a provider’s uptime to understand how long the server is active and functional.

Explore GP Hosting Services with Intelligent Technologies, Inc.

Businesses hoping to grow and thrive must explore GP hosting options as a viable solution for their cloud needs. Services like Intelligent Technologies offer expert Dynamics GP hosting services to ensure your business runs smoothly. Intelligent Technologies provides a complete solution with access to everything you need to succeed.

Contact Intelligent Technologies today to learn more about Microsoft Dynamics GP cloud deployment.

Summing Up

Transforming your business is possible with high-quality Microsoft Dynamics GP cloud deployment providers. While Microsoft Dynamics GP wasn’t created to be cloud-based, there are many hosting solutions to help companies deploy their GP solutions and integrate with other business systems.

The benefits of Dynamics GP deployment make it an ideal solution for many businesses looking to protect their data and scale their operations. Leveraging the cloud with Microsoft Dynamics GP hosting can unlock the following benefits:

  • Cost savings
  • Scalability
  • Accessibility
  • Security
  • Multiple hosting options

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