Square 9 On: The AI Advantage: Streamlining Document Capture

by Apr 18, 2024Expert advice0 comments

Introduction: Today, we have a guest blog post from Square 9. Square 9 is a leading provider of automation third party add-on software for a wide variety of ERP systems, including Microsoft Dynamics. In this article, they share how their AI document capture platform takes the paper out of work and makes it easier to get things done.

After years of being a mere concept in science fiction, computing systems have finally gained the ability to make complex decisions in a practical and meaningful way. Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making waves lately as technology organizations find new ways to apply it, and the intelligent information management industry is no exception. Now, using the power of AI, information can be extracted and leveraged from paper, PDFs, and other computer-illegible sources with AI document capture in less time, at a lower cost, and with far more accuracy.

The Template Trap

Traditional document capture relied on templates – basically, a mold for each document type. Each template was specific to a document’s format, meaning even mild changes in this format, like invoices from different vendors, resulted in tons of expended time and professional services costs.

AI Document Capture to the Rescue

Enter AI-assisted capture, which ditches templates, eliminating the associated time and costs without sacrificing accuracy. The secret: It analyzes the documents, understands the context surrounding the data points you need, and extracts them – no matter the format.  This translates to:

  • Faster Setup: Creating a template can take up to 4 hours of work for just one, often sinking any potential return on investment for solutions that require high volumes of templates and countless professional service hours. No more, though! AI gets your solution up and running fast, saving time and enhancing your financial ROI.
  • Effortless Accuracy: Even after initial setup, AI document capture saves time with consistently high accuracy, even amidst changing document formats. That means less time spent on error corrections and template maintenance and more time on the tasks that matter.
  • Saved Time & Money: With the time your organization saves, you’ll have more hours in your day for mission-centric tasks that generate value and revenue. This means increased cost efficiency and a happier, more productive workforce.

The Bottom Line

AI document capture is not only practical, it’s revolutionary. By forgoing templates in favor of a faster, less costly, more accurate approach, it makes previously unfeasible solutions feasible and adds additional value to any organization using OCR. This means increased time and cost efficiency, better allocation of your organization’s talent, enhanced productivity, and a healthier bottom line.

Want to see AI Document Capture in action?

Square 9 is an AI-powered intelligent information management platform that takes the paper out of work and makes it easier to get things done with digital workflows that automate many aspects of how you work today. We make it easy by extracting information from scans or PDFs, storing documents in a searchable archive, and building digital twins of your current processes through graphical workflows.

Together, we can turn today’s challenges into tomorrow’s achievements.


Have questions? Reach out—we’re here to assist you at every step!


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