Acumatica Manufacturing ERP Software

Manage your entire business from product creation to customer support with one streamlined system.

Why Acumatica Manufacturing ERP software?

Using separate accounting, inventory, sales, service, production planning and shop floor tools is messy. Often, you must manually copy data from one system to the other which is prone to error and time consuming. On the other hand, when you have a single place to manage these things, data no longer gets lost in translation. You can see exactly how each part of your business is adding to (or hurting) your bottom-line. No data assembly required.

Key Benefits of Acumatica Manufacturing ERP Software


No more guessing which product lines are profitable (and which aren’t)

Track material and labor costs through the entire production process. Make sure you’re not losing money to inefficient processes. Compare actual vs standard and planned production costs.


One stop shop for everything you need to know

Manage your whole business, no matter how complex from one place. Acumatica Manufacturing ERP offers several apps (distribution, CRM, financial, project accounting, and of course manufacturing). Each of them seamlessly passes data to and from each other. So, you’re always working from a single version of the truth and you can always see exactly what’s happening.


Flexible scheduling to keep your customers happy

Optimize your resource use and control stock costs. Use capable to promise tools (CTP) to stay within the bounds of your material and capacity limits, while still meeting your clients’ needs.


Growth without worry

As your business grows and changes, so do your product lines. Acumatica Manufacturing ERP software is ready. It supports almost any manufacturing model, such as, make to order, make to stock, Job Shop, project centric, engineer to order and repetitive. Even if your engineering requirements change, there’s no need to worry. Enjoy full control over these, every step of the way with built-in approvals to be sure you miss nothing.

Why Acumatica Manufaturing ERP?

“Having Acumatica Manufacturing Edition and Scanco integrated allows us to manage all our inventory from a single location. We can easily look it up in the system and have confidence that it’s accurate.

— Chad Treadwell, Vice President of Operations, FSC Lighting

Acumatica Manufacturing ERP Software Includes

Production Management

Schedule tasks on the shop floor while tracking labor and material costs. Compare standard costs to the actual and planned costs for an order.

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Advanced Inventory

Track the inventory you have on hand, inventory and transit, inventory costs and re-order quantities as they shift in real time.

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Bill of Materials and Routing

Break down walls to see inside your business. Get both financial and engineering views of your product structure. Plan and manage costs, stock and production with full control over revisions.

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Product Configurator

Your customers enjoy having choices. Give them what they want using a rule-based system that allows you to set customization options for each of your products. Use it in sales orders, quotes or production orders with real time price and cost adjustments.

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Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)

Maintain optimal inventory while satisfying customer demand.

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Estimate your production costs for new and current products. Use the data to create production orders, BOM, or other estimates.

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Order Management

Manage sales, streamline the buying process and automate order processing to fill customer orders faster.

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Advanced Financials

Extend Acumatica’s base financials with automatic revenue recognition, General Ledger consolidation and subaccounts.

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Advanced Planning and Scheduling

Never over promise and under deliver again. Set order delivery dates based on the true availability of resources, not guesses.

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Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Get simple tools for order fulfillment, inventory and receiving. Keep true stock counts and prep clients’ orders faster, thanks to mobile devices and barcode scanners.

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As a leading Acumatica Partner, Intelligent Technologies can help you work the way you want, grow without worry, reduce spending, and improve business performance with Acumatica. Simply fill out the form to register for your custom demo or to request more information.