What is the Best QuickBooks Alternative?

by Jan 21, 2021Acumatica, Dynamics 365, Dynamics GP, ERP Research, Expert advice0 comments

More and more companies are deciding to replace QuickBooksmoving away from this legacy solution toward more dynamic software. There are many QuickBooks alternatives out there to consider. Which one is the right answer for you and your business? Selecting the right one means assessing and answering the specific needs of your company. With some due diligence, you can find a QuickBooks alternative that can help your company develop, grow, and meet long-term goals.  

As a first step, you want to identify what is missing from QuickBooks for you. There are several QuickBooks disadvantages, some or all of which may apply to your business. For many businesses, QuickBooks: 

  • lacks scalability
  • has a flimsy audit trail
  • is not specific to their industry
  • has a limited feature set
  • lacks automation
  • is cost-prohibitive, as a company scales up

Consider each of these in light of where your business is now and where you want to see it five years from now. Once you have identified where QuickBooks has not served you well, you can consider some following QuickBooks alternatives to find the one that is the best fit for your business. 

Dynamics 365 

Dynamics 365 delivers on the value front, giving companies a cost-effective way to access an expansive feature set. As an example, if you were to build out QuickBooks with add-ons to get it on a par with the feature set offered by Dynamics 365 Business Edition, you would spend an estimated $184 a month on each user. This compares to $40 with Dynamics 365. As a Microsoft product, Dynamics 365 also offers easy and seamless integration with all the Microsoft products you already use, including Office and Outlook.  


Acumatica excels in several ways. It automates everything from PO approvals to expense report submissions. This alone makes it a huge time saver over QuickBooks for you and your staff. Acumatica is also a dynamic performer on the reporting front. It offers a customizable chart of accounts and reports by product or department that you can access anytime, anywhere. And at last, compliance is easier with Acumatica, thanks to its robust and vigilant audit trail.  

Dynamics GP 

Growing companies can benefit from the truly scalable nature of Dynamics GP. This Microsoft solution when paired with SQL server can scale up to hundreds of users with ease. Plus, along with all the core reporting functionality available in QuickBooks, Dynamics GP offers so much more. This includes HR and manufacturing-specific features,, impressive BI tools, just to name a few. 

Deciding where to go after QuickBooks is complex. When approached systematically, however, changing from QuickBooks to ERP can be transformational. If you would like to learn more about these solutions, visit this webpage today. And if you’ve had your own experience with this transition, let us know in the comments below! 

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Laura Schomaker

With over a decade of experience at Intelligent Technologies, Inc., I specialize in crafting educational content that demystifies the complex ERP buying process. From managing our digital presence to engaging with our community through blogs and email campaigns, my goal is to equip both current and future clients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.