How to Buy ERP Software? Expert Resources to Help You.

by Feb 13, 2020Company News, ERP Research, Expert advice0 comments

How to buy ERP software? That’s a question a lot of our prospective clients who’ve never bought Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software before and current clients who have not updated their system in many years ask. And as a team of experts who have been in the ERP industry for nearly 3 decades, we have created a treasure trove of resources to help our web visitors answer this question. But until now, our best ERP buying resources were not available in one place.

In case you haven’t visited our site in a while, you might notice it’s undergone a major facelift. And as part of our online renovation, we wanted to make sure the helpful resources on our site were more accessible. In the past, sometimes you’d have to click several layers deep into a navigation menu or go through a pile of pages before you found the one you’re looking for. Often, this led visitors to become frustrated or worse, leave empty-handed. So, to make your visit to our site (and your overall ERP selection process) a more pleasant one, we have combined all our best ERP buying advice on to one page.

Some Resources Available Now to Help You Answer the Question “How to Buy ERP Software?”

Check out our redesigned resource center now.

We hope these resources will help you find the answer to the question “how to buy ERP software?” If you still need more information, or or are still struggling with how to choose an ERP system, schedule a free, no obligation consultation with us. After getting to know your needs and expectations, our experts will recommend the best ERP system for you. Buying an ERP is an important, but often confusing decision. Why go through alone if you don’t have to? Let us help!

Together, we can turn today’s challenges into tomorrow’s achievements.


Have questions? Reach out—we’re here to assist you at every step!


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Laura Schomaker

With over a decade of experience at Intelligent Technologies, Inc., I specialize in crafting educational content that demystifies the complex ERP buying process. From managing our digital presence to engaging with our community through blogs and email campaigns, my goal is to equip both current and future clients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.