Get More Out of Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 New Features

by Feb 13, 2018Dynamics GP, Microsoft Dynamics

Whether you are a new-comer or an experienced user of Microsoft Dynamics GP, it’s always good to stay updated on its newest features and improvements. At Intelligent Technologies, we offer personalized Dynamics GP support as part of our business, but we’re more than glad to share useful free knowledge as part of our broader vision as a company. With Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 in full-gear, it’s important to learn what’s new and explore how these features can be helpful to you as a Dynamics GP user.

New Sorting Options

Let’s start with the new sorting options for Receivables, Payables, and Bank Rec transactions. Finding a receivables or payables document used to mean you needed the document number or date to find it. With the addition of “Document Amount” and “Amount Remaining” sort options in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018, you can now view receivables and payables in a descending or ascending order and find them much easier. It’ll always be much simpler to keep track of a dollar amount over a long ID number. There are also two additional sorting options under your Bank Rec window which will prove useful: Payment Amount and Deposit Amount. These options give you a simpler view of your bank reconciliation and let you find transactions in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 faster.

Document Attach

A few of the most important Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 upgrades come to Document Attachment. After being bombarded with feedback on doc attachment, Microsoft added the document attachment option to many more windows. The option is now available under the Receivables Transaction Entry and Transactions Entry (General Ledger) windows. Aside from adding the option to attach documents added to these additional windows, attachments (as well as notes) can now also be viewed in inquiry windows such as the Employee Inquiry Windows, Asset Inquiry windows, Customer Inquiry Windows, and Project Inquiry windows, among a few others (Note: To use them, you must activate these new options in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 by allowing Document Attachment to inquiry windows under: Administration/Setup/Company/Document Attachment Setup). Additionally, users set a password to manage permissions on who can attach documents to posted items.

Sales Module

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018 also comes with enhancements to its Sales Module. One of the most significant changes is a great time-saving feature that lets you print and email a single statement from within the customer card window. Simply click on the print option on an open Customer Card and select Statement. After choosing the Statement ID and clicking Print, the Print window will let you either print or email a PDF version of the statement. Another important addition under the Sales Module is a Customer on Hold icon on the Sales Transaction Entry and Sales Transaction Inquiry windows. The easily-identifiable red stop-sign lets users know the transaction they are working on belongs to a Customer in Hold status. Clicking on the icon will open a window with the details of the hold status.


The last upgrade we want to tell you about is the addition of three new Workflows in Microsoft Dynamics GP 2018. Ever since 2013, Microsoft has been steadily building on its Workflows concept. This year, they’ve added Workflows for Purchase Receiving Transactions and Purchase Invoice under the Purchasing Module, and a workflow for GL Account. This lets users have a formal, digital workflow for more processes and allows them to email messages for these workflows. This saves time as this allows response to the workflow from your email, without having to actually open Dynamics GP!

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Laura Schomaker

With over a decade of experience at Intelligent Technologies, Inc., I specialize in crafting educational content that demystifies the complex ERP buying process. From managing our digital presence to engaging with our community through blogs and email campaigns, my goal is to equip both current and future clients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.