5 Must Know Dynamics GP Tips and Tricks for Every User

by Nov 18, 2018Dynamics GP, technical how tos, training2 comments

Because Dynamics GP is such a powerful product with the ability to run your business from end to end, it can take new users time to learn all the ins and outs of the product. Even seasoned users from time to time discover features they didn’t realize were available.

Since our team has nearly 30 years’ experience working with Dynamics GP, there isn’t much we haven’t seen or done. So, when our consultants do Dynamics GP training, one question they hear most often, is do you have any favorite Dynamics GP tips and tricks?

Today, I will share five of our consultants’ top timesaving Dynamics GP tips and tricks every user should know.


Dynamics GP Tips and Tricks #1: Switching Between Companies Without Logging in and Out

Many of our clients run multiple companies with Dynamics GP, and if your job requires, you switch between companies often, the time you spend logging in and out of the system can really add up. Luckily, avoiding this issue is easy. All you must do to switch between companies is:

  1. Find your company name in the bottom left-hand corner of your Dynamics GP screen.
  2. Click on your company name. This will open a new window.
  3. On the new window, click the drop-down menu displayed next to “Company”
  4. Click “OK.”


Dynamics GP Tips and Tricks #2: GP Shortcuts

Shortcuts in Dynamics GP are especially useful if you need to open a new program, but still want to keep Dynamics GP open. You can set up a variety of shortcut types, including links to external websites. Here’s how to set up shortcuts to the programs and websites you use most often.

  1. Right-click the navigation bar on the left side of your home screen.
  2. Select Add > Add External shortcut.
  3. A new window will open.
  4. Enter a name and URL for the shortcut.

If you’re a fan of using keyboard shortcuts (hotkeys), you can also set up one of these for each GP shortcut. Then, you can launch your GP shortcuts at the touch of a button.


Dynamics GP Tips and Tricks #3: Getting Help in Any Window

Many programs hide their help options deep in their navigation menus. Then, you must search a huge index of help topics for the answer you’re looking for. Sometimes, this can be extremely frustrating and time-consuming. But with Dynamics GP, finding the help you need is a cinch. Depending on the version of Dynamics GP you’re running at the top or the bottom right corner of every window, you’ll find a round blue button with a question mark in the center. Clicking this button immediately brings up the help topics relevant to the window you are viewing. No more searching for that needle in a haystack.


Dynamics GP Tips and Tricks #4: “Find” in Reports

If you’re a longtime Dynamics GP user, you probably know the reports can get large, and finding the information you need can be a little challenging. But did you know, you don’t have to waste time skimming the report over and over, searching blindly for that one important piece of information? The find feature in Dynamics GP reports leads you right to the information you need.

If you’re familiar with the find feature in Microsoft Word, the one in Dynamics GP works the same. To use it:

  1. Print your report to the screen
  2. Press “Ctrl + F” on your keyboard or navigate to Find > “Find” or “Find Next” (depending on how you want to search).
  3. Type your search term in the box that opens. Note: You must type your search term exactly as it appears in the report. So, capitalization and punctuation are important.
  4. Press “Enter.”

Voilà, just like that it will highlight the information you’re looking for.


Dynamics GP Tips and Tricks #5: Default Printer Location

Do you like to view your reports on a screen instead of printing them out? Are you tired of changing your printer settings every time you view a report? If you have a certain place, you like to view most of your reports, you can save yourself a lot of time and frustration by globally setting your default printer location. To do this:

  1. Navigate to your Dynamics GP home screen.
  2. Click on “User Preferences”
  3. A new window will open. In it, you will find an option to select your default printer. If you prefer to look at reports on your computer monitor, rather than print them out, you will want to check the option for “screen” and uncheck the option for “printer.”

No matter whether this is your first week using Dynamics GP, or you have years of experience with the software, we hope you’ve learned something new to help you save a little time or effort.

Want to learn more about the Dynamics GP tips and tricks we’ve covered in this blog, plus three more we didn’t have time to talk about? download our e-book, “Eight Time Saving Tips and Tricks Every Dynamics GP User Should Know.”

Get our Dynamics GP tips and tricks eBook

Together, we can turn today’s challenges into tomorrow’s achievements.


Have questions? Reach out—we’re here to assist you at every step!


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Laura Schomaker

With over a decade of experience at Intelligent Technologies, Inc., I specialize in crafting educational content that demystifies the complex ERP buying process. From managing our digital presence to engaging with our community through blogs and email campaigns, my goal is to equip both current and future clients with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions.