True Cloud vs Fake Cloud: How Manufacturing Can Tell the Difference

Buyer Beware! How to Tell the Difference Between True and Fake Cloud Manufacturing ERP


The manufacturing ERP market has grown so much, finding the best one for your business can seem like an impossible task. With so many flavors to choose from, true cloud, hosted, hybrid and of course legacy on premise solutions, how do you know which one’s for you? Especially when no two manufacturers needs are exactly the same.

With so much at stake, this is a decision you want to get right the first time around. Understanding how to separate the true cloud manufacturing solutions from impostors is key.


Make an Informed Buying Decision


This free white paper will show you everything you need to know about cloud ERP and its role in the manufacturing industry. You’ll learn:


  • Why all clouds are not the same.
  • Why using a hosted legacy solution to run your manufacturing business may be a risky choice.
  • 8 key things to look for when buying cloud manufacturing ERP software.
Get the whitepaper now:

Why Cloud Manufacturing ERP Solutions are the Future?


Broad and Deep Functionality

The right cloud Manufacturing ERP solution will give you the things every business needs, like strong financial management features combined with industry-specific capabilities such as distribution and inventory to tie your entire business together.

Simple Integration

ERP’s built in the cloud are much easier to add on to than legacy systems. They are the hub for all your applications. You get out of the box connections with other popular manufacturing tools. So, you can bring your equipment, data and software together quickly.


Strong Security

In the past, keeping your data secure, meant keeping your server behind the locked door and using strong passwords. But today’s mobile workforce demands access to data anytime, anywhere. True cloud ERP vendors understand this and spend a great deal of time and effort keeping their customers data safe.

Future Proof

With a legacy ERP, adding new technologies like IoT is very expensive and time-consuming, if not impossible. Cloud manufacturing ERP solutions are the opposite. They‘re ready to adapt to changing technology trends. So, you can enjoy the benefits of new tech without all the hassle.